Posts tagged with “eleventy“ (12)
A glorious demo gallery
I added a demo gallery to my website. A place to showcase some of my frontend adventures. Coupled with a dedicated RSS feed if you want to follow along!
Eleventy - Zero JS charts
It’d be cool to be able to sprinkle in some charts to your website easily. And without a lick of client-side JavaScript.
Eleventy - Is it time to upgrade to version 3?
Version three of Eleventy has some exciting new features. It is now in beta pre-release. Is it time to upgrade?
Eleventy - Add CSV data file support
It would be cool to be able to drop a CSV file into a project and use it in a page. My motivation was to show bookshelves from my library database
Eleventy - Convert a RSS Feed to a collection
I want to create an archive of all my writing. One source is the author RSS feeds of blogs I wrote for. How about I turn it into an eleventy collection?
Eleventy - Merge data with an existing collection
I wanted to make an archive of my writing, merging content I wrote for other websites with my exising ‘posts’ collection. Here is how I did it.
Eleventy - Group posts by year
A common organisation pattern for a blog is to group posts by year. I will show you how to do this efficiently and succinctly in JavaScript.
Eleventy - Differentiate between dev and production builds with unique favicons
It is easy to mix up the dev and production versions of a website in the browser. Let’s make them look unique by using different favicons.
Eleventy - Fetch data from the Github REST API to populate a projects page
We will populate a page with data from GitHub. We will use the eleventy-fetch plugin to do this with minimal code and refresh the data every 2 days.
Eleventy - Get autocompletion and doc info in your eleventy config in VS Code
In VS Code, you don’t get autocompletion in your eleventy config. You don’t get info about functions when you hover over them. Here is how you add it.