Blog(Page 1 of 18)
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How to implement view transitions in multi-page apps
The View Transition API brings view transitions to all websites. 🤗 Not a framework in sight! Let’s explore using view transitions in a MPA.
Hyperlinks have leveled up - link to a text snippet with text fragments
Text fragments enable linking directly to a specific text snippet of any webpage. This is a significant improvement to cross-referencing on the web.
Actual free static website hosting
Starter plans offer limited free hosting. Be careful with the conditions on the limits. Soft limits can led to an unexpected bill.
Published on LogRocket
Styling HTML details and summary with modern CSS
The styling possibilities of a disclosure widget, the dynamic duo of
, is limited. Thankfully, this has changed for the better recently. I will run through the styling possibilities.A glorious demo gallery
I added a demo gallery to my website. A place to showcase some of my frontend adventures. Coupled with a dedicated RSS feed if you want to follow along!
Sumptuous stroked text in CSS
You can create stroked text in CSS, but it is unwieldy. I submitted a proposal to Interop 2025 to improve this feature. Give it a vote! 👍
Google is now an exclusive catalog
Google was a comprehensive search engine. It has become an exclusive catalog.
Eleventy - Zero JS charts
It’d be cool to be able to sprinkle in some charts to your website easily. And without a lick of client-side JavaScript.
Eleventy - Is it time to upgrade to version 3?
Version three of Eleventy has some exciting new features. It is now in beta pre-release. Is it time to upgrade?
Published on LogRocket
Svelte adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives
Let’s discuss why you might choose Svelte for your next project, and outline what sets it apart from other frameworks.