Sumptuous stroked text in CSS

The word Sumptuous is in the centre of the frame. It has a pink stroke and white fill.

You can create stroked text in CSS, but unfortunately, it is unwieldy. The existing “nonstandard” properties (-webkit-text-stroke and friends) have a very basic specification and implementations are inconsistent across browsers.

I submitted a proposal to Interop 2025 to improve this feature. Give it a vote! 👍

What are the specific problems?

Depending on the font and property combinations used, the stroke can be drawn with mistakes. Cursive fonts are particularly problematic.

the word 'vintage' is shown using 2 different cursive fonts with a red stroke. The stroke is inaccurate and covers the fill area

Stroke corners don’t look the same in all browsers for some fonts.

some stroke corners dont join correctly. There is empty space.

The paint-order property, which controls if the stroke or the fill is on top, is buggy but has gotten better.

Stroke issue swallowing up the fill area.
The default is to position (paint) the stroke on top of the fill. This means that if the stroke gets wider, it swallows up the letter. You need paint-order to be consistent to avoid this mess. Ideally, you want to control the alignment of the stroke to decide how the stroke and fill co-mingle.

And stroke alignment is not a thing in CSS. Since stroke alignment is a thing in design tools like Figma, some designs cannot be done in CSS! This is the perfect recipe for snarky behaviour between designers and devs! 😅

stroke panel in figma design tool

You are more likely to use a SVG for stroked text because you have consistency and more control. You don’t want an image in lieu of text for many reasons!

Screenshot of the IMDB top TV series of 2022. The heading has the wrods 'top series' as filled text, and '2022' as stroked text (no fill). The devtools are open and show that the text '2022' is a SVG path.

What should be done?

Alas, there is the CSS Fill and Stroke Module Level 3 Specification from the W3C that covers the same “nonstandard” properties. Sounds like a perfect thing for the Interop initiative to work on, right?

Give my proposal a read to learn more. And give it a 👍 if you’d like to see it done!

Thanks for reading.
