Alternative Book Covers

3 demos

Creating alternative covers for books that I've read.

A cover for the book The Soul of Rumi. The cover depicts a dervish in a divine dance masked in a scarlet cosmic swirl. A cover for the book The Handmaid's Tale. The cover depicts a handmaid as disembodied and gagged by the words of the title. A cover for the book In Cold Blood. The title is arranged oddly. The colors are grey and desaturated. The background shows a barren landscape.

Art Addendums

7 demos

Adding my own twist to works of art.

A bright scene of a stylish home has a picture as the centerpiece. The picture is placed against a wall on the ground featuring a graphic depiction of a vintage typewriter with a quote on the page. The quote is: Make your mark on the world and don't be afraid to color outside the lines. Next to the picture is a potted pair of cactuses. The wall has bright white wood panelling and dark brown wooden floor. A pulsating blue police siren has text with the details of a NWA concert inside it. A page from the graphic novel Sin City. It includes 3 strips showing a man being shot with the text 'worth killing for', a grave with the text 'worth going to hell for', and the central character holding a gun saying 'amen'. A grid of dots is arranged in a diamond shape. The dots have colors going from white to near white to grey to black, from left to right.


25 demos

Experiments & exercises to improve web dev trickery.

The name Rob is arranged in 3 vertical rows. The look mimicks a console with bright green text against a dark green background. What differs from a console is the text is a stroke outline, and it uses a decorative art-deco style typeface. The word 'Miami' is written in a bubble-shaped typeface. The text has a pink stroke and is filled with an image of beach scene. There is a photo of a bulldog wearing a gold chain saying 'Lil Man' clipped into a triangular shape. Below it is what appears to be 2 black rollers, multi-sided cylindrical, shapes with gold text. The upper, larger roller has the text 'they me see me rollin'. The lower smaller roller has the text 'they be hatin'. The text 'Orange you thirsty' is the heading. Underneath is an orange-coloured box with a vector image of horizontally sliced orange.


3 demos

Playing around with layouts.

The Instagram page for kimbo. Kimbo's description reads: Pork and Bill Murray fo evah. All her posts are pics of pork or Bill Murray. The codepen user interface with a pen containing an XZIBIT meme An abstract typographic layout by Jan Tschichold

Title Sequences

15 demos

Recreating title sequences from TV shows and movies as web animations.

The title of the TV series 'Stranger Things' is zoomed in. Some letters are truncated (offscreen). Some of the letters in view are in offset vertical positions. The text has a reddish neon appearance. The text 'Schitts Creek' is cast against a black background. The first word has a white fill, and the second, a gold fill. The last S of the first word is aligned higher than the rest of the characters, and has 2 vertical lines running through it to make it look like a dollar sign. The title with the text 'The Marvelous Mrs Maisel' is in the center. It has a fun style and has a green fill. It has a sparkle positioned next to a couple of the words. It is set against a muted purple background. The text 'Killing Eve' is in the center. The text is tall and has an interesting gothic typeface. The letter K has a silhoutte of blood dripping down it.