Android Development - (2) Fundamentals đź‘˝
What do I need to install to get started?
You can read my previous post Android Development - Getting Started.
How do I make an app?
The core elements of an app are:
- A layout defines the appearance of a screen. It is defined in a XML file. Android Studio has a “text view” to show
the XML source.
- A view is an UI element such as a button that can be added to a layout. Android Studio provides a “design view” to create a layout in a visual way so you can add the view elements directly onto a screen, it provides a palette
of view elements to choose from.
- An activity represents a single user screen. Activities are usually associated with one layout, and they’re written in Java. We have a main activity that is the starting point of our app.
- AndroidManifest.xml contains all the essential application data.
- Resources provide external content for our app such as images,
styles, string values, and so on. - Intents are used to launch activities.
- Services are background processes that can run for a long time.
The rest can be discussed in more detail as we focus on each aspect.
How does an app do stuff?
The main activity is launched when a user clicks on the app icon.
A task is when two or more activities are chained together. We use an intent to pass a message between activities to achieve this.
How is our project organised?
Typically, assets are organized into different directories based on their purpose.
- java files (app/src/main/java): our activities and classes
that we define go here. - generated files (app/build/generated): contains files generated
by the build process. We don’t change these manually. contains the IDs that keep track of all resources in the app, and is in app/build/generated/source/r/[build flavor/]{release|debug}/{app package}. - static resources (app/src/main/res): The additional files for static content such as images. Explained further later.
- AndroidManifest.xml: Every app must have an AndroidManifest.xml file at the root of the project. It describes essential information about your app such as: the list of it’s components, the permissions required, and the hardware and software features required.
An activity represents a single user screen, and is a single defined thing that the user can do. You extend
or a subclass.
Configure the manifest
Each activity you create must have an entry in AndroidManifest.xml.
Android Studio does this for you when you create a new activity using it’s wizard (as below).
The only required attribute for the activity element is android:name
, which specifies the class name of the activity.
One activity needs to be marked as a main activity, so you can launch your app. We use an intent filter to do this. We will speak about this in more detail when we discuss intents.
Lifecycle events
Skillfully managing activities allows you to ensure that:
- Orientation changes take place smoothly without disrupting the user experience.
- User data is not lost during activity transitions.
- The system kills processes when it’s appropriate to do so.
So, an activity has callback methods that are called at different stages of it’s existence to enable us to manage it appropriately. Below is a diagram outlining when the methods are called depending on the state of the activity.
Static resources
You should always externalize app resources such as images and strings from your code, so that you can maintain them independently.
You should also provide alternative resources for specific device configurations, such as different screen resolutions, and group them in specially-named resource directories. At runtime, Android chooses the appropriate resource based on the current configuration.
Once you externalize your app resources, you can access them using resource IDs that are generated in your project’s
Grouping resources
Directory | Resource Type |
animator/ | XML files that define property animations. |
anim/ | XML files that define tween animations. (Property animations can also be saved in this directory, but the animator/ directory is preferred for property animations to distinguish between the two types.) |
color/ | Defines a list of colors. |
drawable/ | Bitmap files (.png, .9.png, .jpg, .gif) or XML files that are compiled into drawable resources. |
mipmap/ | Drawable files for different launcher icon densities. |
layout/ | XML files that define a user interface layout. |
menu/ | XML files that define app menus. |
raw/ | Arbitrary files to save in their raw form. To open these resources with a raw InputStream, call Resources.openRawResource() with the resource ID. |
values/ | XML files that contain simple values such as: strings, integers, and arrays. By convention, each type is stored in a separate file. |
font/ | Font files with extensions such as .ttf, .otf, or .ttc, or XML files that include a |
xml/ | Arbitrary XML files that can be read at runtime by calling Resources.getXML() . |
Exercise: Make a temperature conversion app
We want to make an app that will convert a temperature from celsius to farenheit, and the other way around.
Create a new project
Property | Value |
Application Name |
Temperature Conversion |
Package name |
design.roboleary.conversion |
Minimum SDK |
Latest Android release |
Template |
Empty Activity |
Activity |
MainActivity |
Layout |
activity_main |
Backwards Compatibility (AppCompat) |
false (not selected) |
Create our strings in static resources
Open res/values/strings.xml, and add the String definitions to the file as described as below. These are the values that we will we use for labels in our layout.
Create the layout
This is roughly what we want.
Open our layout file res/layout/activity_main.xml in
the “text view”, and delete everything.
We want a simple layout, so we add a LinearLayout
element as the root, which organizes everything in a horizontal or vertical line. We can want everything to
be organized vertically, so we set this property android:orientation="vertical"
. You
can switch to the “design view” to add the views to this layout then.
A simple way of organizing the view components is to drag
and drop them onto the “Component Tree view”. So you can
see the order we want them arranged in. We make the radio buttons children of the radio button group.
Edit view properties
For the radio buttons:
- We can change them to have more meaningful ids, celsius and farenheit are good.
- We can use the string values from our static resources by making a reference like this
for the first radio button (highlighted below), and do similar for the second radio button. - Make the first radio button checked with
android:checked ="true"
For our EditText
- We set
. This changes the keyboard that is used to input the value. - We can also change the ID
For the button:
- We assign the string value
. - Change the ID to
. - Add
to reference
the onClick method, which we will create in our
to respond to the user clicking the button.
This is what the complete layout looks like.
Create an utility class
To do the conversion.
Update the MainActivity
We need to define the onClick
method to handle the user
- We check if the user has entered in some text to
, if they haven’t a Toast (a small popup)
will tell them that nothing is entered. - If there is text
entered, we check which radio button is selected, and
then we decide which method from our utility class we
need to call to do the conversion. - The result is displayed in
, ourTextView